This year I've spent the summer holidays in France...what a news! would say who kows me well! Yeah, I know, but with a french boyfriend holidays in France are obviously quite frequent!!! But luckily we've got family and friends a bit everywhere, so each time we go in different places!!!
3-4-5 agosto: 3° Aber-erasmus meeting...che cos'è? beh, è un incontro con tutti gli amici conosciuti durante l'erasmus a Aberystweeth (è in Galles, non è una parolaccia!!!) ormai quasi 8 anni fa!!! mamma mia come passa il tempo....
3-4-5 august : 3rd Aber-erasmus meeting...what the hell is this? Is the meeting with all the friends who were erasmus in Aberystwweth (it's in Wales!!!) almost 8 years ago!!! Wow, time flyes!
now the whole group:
o quasi, mancano Laurence e David...
not whole, Laurence and David were not in the pictures...
La riflessione alla fine del week-end: non siamo cambiati poi così tanto in questi 8 anni...a parte un paio di matrimoni e un bimbo in arrivo.......
We've realized that at the end we didn't change so much in 8 years...we're still the same...apart a couple of marriages and a baby coming soon...
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